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''Virtual breed database''
Copyright ©, 2004-2024 Y.Semenov
All rights reserved.
National Dog Show | | ÝÑÒÎÍÈß, Íàðâà (Narva), Âñåïîðîäíàÿ (CAC), 24.11.2012, Anna Brankovich (ÑÅÐÁÈß)   | ÐÅÇÓËÜÒÀÒÛ ÔÈÍÀËÜÍÛÕ ÊÎÍÊÓÐÑÎÂ | |   | |
ÊÎÁÅËÈ - ÷åìïèîíû | 1 | îòë. Best Male, Best of Breed
| | 7 Òðèïëìóí Àáñîëþò Ñòîðì ×åðíûé, RKF 2512660, 05.06.2009 Thornapple Dr Thunder Íîðìàðè Ðîííè Ñìîëë Êâèí | | Good size and format, strong bone, very nice masculine head, with beautiful expression, very good earset and carriage, nice neck, excellent topline, well developed chest, very good quarters and angulations, free sound movement. | 2 | îòë. Best Male - 2 | | 6 Thunderbays Xtreme Xposure Ãîëóáîé ìðàìîð, EST-03334/10, 11.07.2009 Bayouland Creme Brulee Love Is Xtreme at Snowcrest | | | ÑÓÊÈ - ùåíêè | 1 | á.ïåðñï. Best Puppy
| | 1 Òðèïëìóí Êýïòýéí Íèîáå ×åðíûé, RKF 3315432, 06.05.2012 Vinelake's Dreamfinder Íîðìàðè Ðîííè Ñìîëë Êâèí | | Good size & format, nice feminine head, good eyes and ears, good topline, well developed chest, very good quarters & angulations, good movement. | ÑÓÊÈ - þíèîðû | 1 | îòë. CAC.j Best Junior, Best Female
| | 3 Sentikki Propwash Tivoli Ãîëóáîé ìðàìîð, LV-27059/11, 09.09.2011 Bayshore's American Idol Propwash Cinema Verite | | | 2 | îòë. Best Female - 2 | | 2 Momento Mistika Sailing To Peak River Ãîëóáîé ìðàìîð, EST-03449/11, 20.06.2011 Holiday On Ice Paprotka Duch Wrzosowisk | | | 3 | îòë.
| | 5 Tres Colores Latoya Dream ×åðíûé, FI15315/12, 01.01.2012 Calais Carolina Cadence Eternal Dream Du Grand Germance | | | 4 | î÷.õîð.
| | 4 Sentikki Propwash Trip To Paris Êðàñíûé ìðàìîð, LV-27056/11, 09.09.2011 Bayshore's American Idol Propwash Cinema Verite | | | ÑÓÊÈ - îòêðûòûé | 1 | î÷.õîð.
| | 8 Eternal Dream Du Grand Germance Ãîëóáîé ìðàìîð, FI32808/10, 03.06.2009 Try me Baby De Carpathia Bayshore Islewood Mata-Hari | | |
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